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MSSQL Replication and helpers

Syncing SQL Server Tables with Change Tracking using DLT

This guide provides a comprehensive solution for syncing a SQL Server table using change tracking with dlt. By leveraging SQL Server's native change tracking feature, you can efficiently load incremental data changes - including inserts, updates, and deletes into your destination.


The process involves two main steps:

  1. Initial Full Load: Use the sql_table function to perform a full backfill of your table data.
  2. Incremental Loading: Use the create_change_tracking_table function to load incremental changes using SQL Server's change tracking.

This approach ensures that you have a complete dataset from the initial load and efficiently keep it updated with subsequent changes.


Enabling Change Tracking in SQL Server

Before you begin, ensure that change tracking is enabled on both your database and the tables you wish to track. Change tracking is a feature that must be explicitly activated.

Enable Change Tracking on the Database

Run the following SQL command to enable change tracking on your database:

ALTER DATABASE [YourDatabaseName]
  • [YourDatabaseName]: Replace with the name of your database.
  • CHANGE_RETENTION: Specifies how long change tracking information is retained. In this example, it’s set to 7 days.
  • AUTO_CLEANUP: When set to ON, change tracking information older than the retention period is automatically removed.

Enable Change Tracking on the Table

For each table you want to track, execute:

ALTER TABLE [YourSchemaName].[YourTableName]
  • [YourSchemaName].[YourTableName]: Replace with your schema and table names.
  • TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED: When set to ON, allows you to see which columns were updated in a row. Set to OFF if you don’t need this level of detail.

Concept and Data Flow

Initial Full Load with sql_table

The initial full load does the following:

  1. Obtains current change tracking version
  2. Uses sql_table resource, to extracts all data from the specified table. This step ensures that your destination dataset starts with a complete snapshot of your source table.
  3. Initializes the incremental resource create_change_tracking_table with the tracking version from step 1 by running it once.

From that moment, incremental resource will manage the tracking version across the subsequent runs internally.

Obtain the Current Change Tracking Version

Get the change tracking version before you execute initial load to make sure you do not miss any updates that may happen during it. This may result in "replaying" a few changes that happen during the load, but that will not have impact on the destination data due to merge write disposition.

To fully avoid any duplication you may completely lock the table during an initial load. Ping our solution engineering for details.

Incremental Loading with create_change_tracking_table

After the initial load, subsequent runs use the create_change_tracking_table resource to load only the changes since the last tracking version. This function leverages SQL Server’s CHANGETABLE function to efficiently retrieve changes.

Note: The write_disposition parameter is crucial for controlling how data is written to the destination table during incremental loads. It determines the behavior when new data is loaded, especially regarding duplicates, updates, and deletes. Default Value: The default write_disposition is "merge", which handles upserts based on primary keys.

Understanding the Change Tracking Query

The incremental loading process uses a SQL query that joins the CHANGETABLE function with the source table to fetch the latest changes. Here’s a simplified version of the query:

ct.SYS_CHANGE_VERSION AS _dlt_sys_change_version,
CHANGETABLE(CHANGES [YourSchemaName].[YourTableName], @last_version) AS ct
LEFT JOIN [YourSchemaName].[YourTableName] AS t
ON ct.[PrimaryKey] = t.[PrimaryKey]
ct.SYS_CHANGE_VERSION > @last_version
  • CHANGETABLE: Retrieves changes for the specified table since the last tracking version.
  • Join with Source Table: The join retrieves the current data for the changed rows.
  • SYS_CHANGE_VERSION: Used to track and order changes.
  • _dlt_deleted: Indicates if a row was deleted.

Note: Since the query joins with the production table, there may be implications for locking and performance. Ensure your database can handle the additional load, and consider isolation levels if necessary.

  1. Set up dlt project. You can follow the documentation for sql_database in order to setup credentials:

You'll also need a working ODBC driver:

  1. Set Up the Pipeline
import dlt

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
  1. Configure the Database Connection

In our example we create an explicit SQLAlchemy Engine. This is not required, you are free to follow the instructions to create credentials in secrets.toml (or env variables) instead:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

connection_url = "mssql+pyodbc://username:password@your_server:port/YourDatabaseName?driver=ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server&TrustServerCertificate=yes"

engine = create_engine(connection_url)
  1. Obtain the Current Change Tracking Version

Get the change tracking version before you execute initial load to make sure you do not miss any updates that may happen during it.

from dlt_plus_sources.sources.mssql import get_current_change_tracking_version

# Get current tracking version before you run the pipeline to make sure
# you do not miss any records,
tracking_version = get_current_change_tracking_version(engine)
  1. Perform the Initial Full Load

Use the sql_table function to perform the initial backfill:

from dlt.sources.sql_database import sql_table

# Initial full load
initial_resource = sql_table(

# Run the pipeline for initial load
  1. Configure the Incremental Resource For the First Run

Use the create_change_tracking_table function to set up incremental loading:

from dlt_plus_sources.sources.mssql import create_change_tracking_table

# Optional: Configure engine isolation level
# use it if you create an Engine implicitly
def configure_engine_isolation_level(engine):
return engine.execution_options(isolation_level="SERIALIZABLE")

incremental_resource = create_change_tracking_table(

When running for a first time your should pass tracking_version in initial_tracking_version argument. This will initialize incremental loading and keep the updated tracking version in the dlt state. In subsequent run, you do not need to provide the initial value anymore.

  1. Run Incremental Loading for a First Time.

Run the pipeline with the incremental resource immediately after the initial load with sql_table:
  1. Schedule incremental loading. With initial load completed and tracking version in dlt state, you may run create_change_tracking_table on schedule. You do not need to pass initial_tracking_version anymore (state takes precedence and this value will be ignored).

Note that dlt restores the state and the schemas using data in the destination. You do not need to store any state yourself.

incremental_resource = create_change_tracking_table(

Full Refresh

You can trigger a full refresh by performing a full load again and passing to the run method, refresh="drop_resources")

This option drops the destination table (just before loading data again) and resets the state holding the tracking version.

Full Code Example

Example table sync script is available via dlt-plus-sources package in pipelines/

from dlt_plus_sources.pipelines import mssql_ct_example
  • single_table_initial_load does full initial load, it also drops existing and state
  • single_table_incremental_load continues incremental loading via the incremental state saved in the destination

Hard vs. Soft Deletes

  • Hard Delete (hard_delete=True): this flag is set to True by default. When hard_delete=True, any rows deleted in the source SQL Server table will be permanently removed from the destination dataset. This ensures that the destination mirrors the source exactly.

Replicated data allows for NULLs for not nullable columns when record is deleted. To avoid additional tables that hold deleted rows and additional merge steps, dlt emits placeholder values that are stored in staging dataset only.

  • Soft Delete (hard_delete=False): When set to False, deleted rows in the source will be marked as deleted in the destination but not physically removed. All columns from replicated table (except primary key) will be set to NULL and _dlt_deleted set to D.

To use to soft delete, destination schema must accept NULLs for the replicated columns. remove_nullability_adapter table adapter will do it when passed to sql_table:

from dlt_plus_sources.sources.mssql import remove_nullability_adapter

table = sql_table(

License checks

You'll need to have a license in your environment to call create_change_tracking_table function and get_current_change_tracking_version.

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